
Your safeguarding and welfare officers are Paddy Alton and Andrew Mckenzie - both can be contacted at

How we keep our swimmers (and coaches and other volunteers) safe:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment and harm Preventing impairment of children’s health or development

  • Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care

  • Taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcome

  • In essence safeguarding is the action we take to ensure that children are safe and know how to keep themselves safe

  • This is the responsibility of everyone at MSC

Alongside our wish for our members to enjoy and succeed in their swimming, we want to ensure that they are safe and happy at Mold Swimming Club and that we act upon anything that prevents that. This is what we call ‘safeguarding our members’. We want to make sure that our members are not being:

  • Bullied

  • Treated differently to others

  • Hurt by another person on purpose

  • Not being listened to

Preventing such behaviour is very important to us as an organisation and to achieve that we follow the Swim Wales Safeguarding Policies & Procedures (SWCSP). If you want to have a look at SWCSP, the welfare officer will have a copy that you can read or it can be viewed and downloaded from the organisation’s website or from

We know any bullying or poor behaviour makes people feel unhappy and should not be tolerated.

While we will do all we can to prevent anything happening, it is important if something or someone causes a member to be unhappy that they tell someone. This could be a parent, coach, welfare officer or any other adult they feel happy to speak to. Any issues raised will be dealt with.

Here are some helpful details of how you can raise concerns:

  • Email the Mold Swimming Club Welfare e-mail address at This is monitored by both the Mold Swimming Club Welfare Officer (Andrew McKenzie) and the Regional Welfare Officer (Paddy Alton).

  • Swim England also have a helpline called Swimline. The number is 0808 100 4001. You will be asked to leave a number at which you can be contacted in the next 48 hours. If you feel you cannot wait that long for someone to talk to you, hang on and you will be put through to the NCPCC/ ChildLine helpline number who will answer your call immediately.